March 3, 2011

An Eventful Month Called February

Another month has passed and wasn’t it a short one!  This year, February only has 28 days and therefore, it was a more challenging month for me to keep up with my monthly targets.  I actually missed more targets than I did in January… sigh.  February also saw Egyptian superpower Hosni Mubarak resigned after weeks of deadly protests which apparently sent him to a terrible health condition.  Rumour has it that he is hiding in Sharm El Sheikh, a beautiful Red Sea resort but nobody knows exactly where he is.  Perhaps he has fled to Jeddah to reunite with his Tunisian counterpart?

The same month also saw similar protests in a few other Arab countries turning deadly.  The political unrest in the normally calm Bahrain has become worrying enough to put the upcoming F1 race into jeopardy.  The protests in Libya, a neighbour of Egypt & Tunisia, have split the country into two and caused the death of a staggering 3,000 people (most of them civilians).  The number is expected to increase even more as Libyan president (or more fittingly, emperor?) Ghadaffi has bluntly refused to surrender his post.  Instead, he chose to declare war with his own people and allegedly recruited thousands of poor (AND cold-blooded) youths from the neighbouring countries as militia members for a mind-blowing USD 300 per day.  Wow…!!

Thousands of miles away from the chaos, I have my own struggle against myself albeit in a scale equal to the size of a pebble stone compared to what those people are facing (my prayers are with them).  As I mentioned earlier, I missed quite a few targets last month which was quite upsetting.

One book every two months – I have unofficially changed it to “one book every month”, something which I have been doing well so far.  My book for the month of February was “Left To Tell” which I have written a review on a couple of weeks ago (read the review here).  I am still choosing which book to read next (among the three I have on my to-read list).

Getting Group Trainer certification – I have passed the exam and am just waiting for the certificate to arrive in the next couple of days.  Yippee!

Getting A Six-Pack – Honestly, this is where I am most lousy at and what made me really upset of myself was that somehow I could always manage to give myself an excuse not to go to the gym.  February was indeed another very busy month for me but regardless of how busy March is, I have promised myself not to give myself in to any temptation, but the temptation to work-out!

Twenty Japanese Words or Phrases – Another easy target unachieved and again it was quite disappointing.  It only takes one minute to learn a new word or phrase and yet I could only manage to learn 5 the whole month, how so shameful!

Two New Blog Posts – Something I have consistently delivered and am quite happy about it.  I wrote three new posts last month, yeah!

50 Blog Visits – This is another one I managed to consistently deliver, perhaps a hint that I really should set the bar a bit higher next year.  This month I received 98 visits, just one visit less than January and the second highest number of monthly visits so far.

There is one more goal that I aspire to achieve this year, i.e.: getting promoted to a higher post but this is clearly not something I can track the progress every month, so let’s see if this would happen by the end of the year.

Welcome, March!


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